If The Bank Financing My Mortgage Goes Out of Business, Could I Really Lose My Deposit?

Most people buying houses today have only a vague idea of how the process really works. They know that the contract will be contingent upon their mortgage approval, and that if they fail to obtain a mortgage commitment, their contract deposit will be refunded.

By |2020-07-27T13:34:06-04:00April 15th, 2014|Real Estate|Comments Off on If The Bank Financing My Mortgage Goes Out of Business, Could I Really Lose My Deposit?

Do I Need to Appoint a Receiver?

During the foreclosure process, any party may seek the assistance of a Receiver. The purpose of a Receiver is to maintain the status quo. They manage the property by overseeing maintenance and day-to-day operations, including collection of rent and payment of expenses. A Receiver has the ability to enter into leases, authorize repairs, retain attorneys, etc.  

By |2020-07-27T13:33:34-04:00January 21st, 2014|Real Estate|Comments Off on Do I Need to Appoint a Receiver?

Should I Hire a Broker to Sell My Home?

Many individuals selling their homes face the difficult decision of whether or not to hire a real estate broker in order to find a buyer. In order to make this decision intelligently , it is important to understand what the broker does and what the broker will charge for those services.

By |2020-07-27T13:36:25-04:00July 9th, 2010|Real Estate|Comments Off on Should I Hire a Broker to Sell My Home?
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